1. Here is the 3d Papercraft Mask I made for myself for Halloween.

    A big shout out to ddi7i4d over at http://www.instructables.com/id/Real-Life-Big-Head-Mode/ for the inspiration and instructions. With this costume I won the company Halloween costume contest for the 4th time in 7 years, not a bad record.

  2. I went out fast at this race, I did my fastest ever 5k out of the gate. I was trying to run under 2 hours for this race, however that pace proved to be too much as I had to walk shortly after mile 4 because I felt dizzy. I'm in this for fun not to die. So I ended up running a 2:07 that day and missed my goal. This was a really nice race I liked the expo a lot and the course was good. The medal is one of the nicest in my collection, I like the liberty bell design. In this race they had one section with tables of unattended gu, I watched this guy wit a camelbak pack on completely stock up on gu for the next year.
    Not sure that's what they had in mind when they put it there. I wanted to stay and enjoy the race day activities maybe do a rocky pose on the steps but I had to go to an event at the valezano winery with my wife and her sister and husband. So I left. Two weeks later I ran the jersey shore half and did 1:53 with a steady pace and achieved my goal.

    Overall Place:
    Sex Place:
    Division Place:

    Bib #

    Jason Carter Howell NJ 02:07:34

  3. How to maintain Consistent Session State with Javascript Cookie Rectification

    If a user utilizes the back button, the cookie value is not updated by the normal browser behavior. In order to do this, we need to store cookie values within the pages, and rectify the cookie to have the same values as when the page was originally viewed.

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